Our go-to guide for all things preschool: policies, procedures, and just about everything you need to know.
Includes all important information relating to your child including emergency contacts, permission to secure emergency medical treatment, and who may pick up your child from school.
A place to tell us about your child as an individual. This information is for your child’s teacher only.
Anyone (parents, staff, volunteers, caregivers, etc.) wishing to work in the classroom, be on school grounds, or attend school functions must fill out this form.
Must be completed by a physician and turned in PRIOR to your child’s first day of class. Your child cannot attend school without a completed health appraisal form.
For parents whose children require medication to be administered while at school.
Indicates whether you do or do not grant permission for us to take photos of your child that may be used on our website or secret Facebook page. Parents of currently enrolled children may request to join the Facebook page via this form.
These forms must be filled out by all individuals volunteering in class. Please return the cover letter to the school and mail the clearance request form to the address indicated on the cover letter.
Our mission is to build confidence and a love of learning that will give every child a solid foundation for a happy and healthy life.